Gersh Investment Partners Limited

Gersh Investment Partners Limited

25 Years

Since our inception in 2000, Gersh Investment Partners Limited has been engaged in the formation and management of over $9 billion of real estate projects as independent advisor, capital manager and principal investor. Our success lies in our entrepreneurial culture, intrinsic understanding of property, strong approach to risk management and the ability to be flexible and innovative.

Our people are highly regarded professionals in their respective fields, with expertise in structured property finance, property, taxation and corporations law, land economics, real estate development, town planning and property valuation. This expertise, coupled with trusted relationships with private investors, major developers, construction firms, financial institutions and professional advisers, has allowed us to develop innovative approaches to enhancing, structuring and advising on property transactions.

The firm’s counterparties are its valued clients and what distinguishes Gersh from its peers, and has been the organising principle of the business in the more than 25 years since its establishment in 2000. The business has been through a number of iterations; but in whatever form its efforts have been manifested – whether as advisors, principal investors or co-investors, fund managers or structured financiers – one guiding principle prevails; the client comes first and we as a firm only profit from our clients success.

It was never our intention to be the largest of our peers. We aspire to be our clients first choice and their most trusted partner. As a consequence of our guiding philosophy, we have been able to attract and retain as clients some of Melbourne’s best-known family offices, some significant overseas investors, such as Supalai PCL, and some significant fund managers.

Perhaps most importantly we have been able to attract like-minded high-quality professionals in their respective fields who, often as principals in the business, are also our investment partners and aligned to the success of our clients. In our 25 years we have been through several stages of the property cycle. But throughout, there has been no compromise of professional standards and no effort spared in securing successful, ethical and profitable outcomes for our clients and their counter parties. We have not been averse to risking the balance sheet of the business. And we have stayed true to our principles.

We are proud of what we have achieved and our continued commitment to the same founding values which have thus far guided us – our clients and our people are our investment partners, and together we can build even greater success.